WinDjView adalah penampil DjVu yang cepat, ringkas, dan kuat untuk Windows dengan antarmuka tab, pengguliran berkelanjutan, dan opsi pencetakan lanjutan. Ini menggunakan perpustakaan DjVuLibre gratis untuk memecahkan kode dokumen DjVu. DjVu adalah format web-centric dan platform perangkat lunak untuk mendistribusikan dokumen dan gambar. MacDjView adalah penampil DjVu sederhana untuk Mac OS X, juga dengan pengguliran berkelanjutan. Untuk mengunduhnya silakan KLIK DISINI.

Pengarang: Andrew Zhezherun

WinDjView dan MacDjView adalah perangkat lunak bebas; Anda dapat mendistribusikan ulang dan/atau memodifikasinya di bawah ketentuan Lisensi Publik Umum GNU yang diterbitkan oleh Free Software Foundation; baik versi 2 dari Lisensi, atau (sesuai pilihan Anda) versi yang lebih baru.


  • Stable, full of great features and lightweight. This software is highly recommended!
  • Great project! Been using this for about 2 years – stable and useful.
  • This is an excellent work. Really easy to use and user friendly. Thank you both(Andrew Zhezherun & Lеonid Zhezherun) very much for providing us an excellent djvu viewer.I think this a highly optimized C/C++ Project.
  • Very pratical and useful
  • That’s what I call a useful tool! I like it a lot!
  • stable, reliable and user friendly. thanks!

WinDjView Features

  • Supports all popular Windows versions (10, 8, 7, Vista, XP, Server 2008, Server 2003)
  • Tabbed document interface. Alternatively it can open each document in its own window.
  • Continuous or single page layout, with an option to group facing pages
  • Interface languages: English, Russian (for older versions: also Ukrainian, Greek, Hungarian, French, Portuguese, Chinese Simplified, Tatarish). To install, download the corresponding language dll into the installation folder and restart the program.
  • User-created bookmarks and annotations
  • Text searching and copying*
  • Supports dictionaries that translate words under mouse pointer*
  • Thumbnails with adjustable size
  • Contents and hyperlinks
  • Advanced printing
  • Fullscreen mode
  • Magnifying glass and marquee zoom
  • Export pages (or a part of a page) to bmp, png, gif, tif and jpg
  • Rotate pages by 90 degrees
  • Zoom to page, page width, 100% or custom zoom
  • Brightness, contrast and gamma adjustment
  • Display modes: Color, Black & White, Foreground, Background
  • Keyboard shortcuts for scrolling and navigation
  • If requested, associates with DjVu files in Explorer
  • These features only work on documents with a built-in text layer.


By Taufiq Kurniawan

Interested on library and information science, literacy, digital library, digital humanities, data science, media and culture studies.