Networks, Crowds and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World, David Easley and Jon Kleinberg 2010 (free!) | UCINet, standalone analysis and visualization software with GUI – easiest way in to network analysis, but only free for a month | D3.js, a fantastic data visualization archive for web applications |
Introduction to social network methods, Robert Hanneman & Mark Riddle; Accessible introduction to SNA | SNA, R Package by Carter Butts, useful for visualization and statistical analysis of network data | dataisbeautiful subreddit, some interesting stuff |
Social Network Analysis Instructional Web Site, Steve Borgatti | Network, R Package by Carter Butts, useful for manipulating network data | Many Eyes (IBM), very flexible visualization platform for multiple types of data |
Social Network Analysis Listserv | NetworkX, Python package | Google NGrams, see the relative usage of words in Google Books corpus over time |
R Tutorial for SNA, Solomon Messing | igraph, Python and R package | Martin Wattenberg |
Strategic Leadership Teaching Slides, Ron Burt | gephi, standalone network visualization software | Edward Tufte‘s message board |
Applied/Hands on Tutorial using UCINet for business students, Rob Cross | pajek, standalone network visualization software | Julian Hillebrand Blog on Social Media, Technology and Analytics (includes some nice API tutorials) |
SNA subreddit | | |
Curated Index of SNA Research Centers, Businesses, Courses, and Papers | | |
History of SNA | | |