Pajek is a program package for analysis and visualization of large networks (networks containing up to one billion of vertices, there is no limit—except the memory size—on the number of lines). It has been available for 20 years. The program, documentation and supporting material can be downloaded and used for free for noncommercial use from its web page:
Pajek is a program package for Windows 32 and 64, which enables analyses of large networks. Program is freely available at:
Analyses in Pajek are performed using six data structures:
- network – main object (vertices and lines): graph, valued network, 2-mode or temporal network
- partition – nominal property of vertices (gender);
- vector – numerical property of vertices;
- permutation – reordering of vertices;
- cluster – subset of vertices (e.g. a cluster from partition);
- hierarchy – hierarchically ordered clusters and vertices.
Pajek Book Edition 3
de Nooy, W., Mrvar, A., and Batagelj, V. (2018): Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek: Revised and Expanded Edition for Updated Software. Third Edition. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Pajek is in constant development. For more information on Pajek check its webpage. For those who want to learn Pajek: Several books, manuals, articles, and samples are available. They are listed in the references section.